
Explore the complex relationship between environments and societies with the 地理与城市研究文学学士学位亿德体育文学院. 培养识别的专业知识, understand and respond to real-world urban problems and global challenges. Gain comprehension around urban politics, planning and policymaking. 

This 123-credit undergraduate program provides the tools to address environmental, 经济, social and political issues that are central to the well-being of people in an urbanizing world. 加强写作, communication and research skills and learn technical skills in geographic information systems (GIS). Your 课程s and research will expand your knowledge of subjects like

  • 地理理论,
  • 健康和环境,
  • 规划和决策;
  • 社会和环境正义;
  • 城市进程等等.

Design your career path by developing a persona莉斯ed curriculum that focuses on one or more of the following themes.

  • 地理的方法
  • 全球化
  • 社会正义
  • 可持续性

的 地理位置 and Urban Studies BA prepares students for careers in consulting, 政府及非牟利机构. Many of our students advance to graduate studies in environmental studies, 地理位置, 法律或城市规划. 研究生s are equipped to enter a number of growing fields. 美国劳工统计局(BLS)预测,今年美国经济将会增长 城市和区域规划师就业增长13% by 2026. 美国劳工统计局还预测,今年的就业人数将增加 地理学家就业增长7%这是所有职业的平均增长率.

学生也可以获得 地理信息系统本科证书


类 & 课程

的 地理与城市研究专业 is a 123-credit undergraduate program that can be completed over four years of full-time study. 地理位置 and Urban Studies electives give students the opportunity to develop an area of emphasis around their particular interests. Examples of required and elective 课程s students take in the program include the following.

  • 费城的非裔美国人
  • 城市
  • 地理信息系统基础
  • 地理与城市研究中的研究设计
  • 空间与地点
  • 空间统计
  • 可持续发展的城市
  • 全球经济中的城市系统

Students are required to complete an individua莉斯ed research project in the 高级研究研讨会 课程. Learn more about required 课程s for the 地理位置 and Urban Studies BA.




的 地理与城市研究硕士 is open to 地理位置 and Urban Studies and Environmental Studies majors.  的 master’s program prepares students for further graduate study as well as for professional positions related to urban and 经济 development, 环境可持续性和社会正义. Students can apply as early as second semester sophomore year for entry in their junior year, or they can apply as late as the second semester of their junior year for entry in their senior year.

Learn more about accelerated degree programs in the College of Liberal 艺术.


If you plan to become a teacher, you may double major through Temple’s 教育学院. 的 double major combines the 地理与城市研究专业 with a major in social studies education. 了解更多关于双学位的知识.


文理学院有 22个本科证书课程 for you to expand your knowledge and diversify your Temple education. 证书可以补充学士学位课程, allowing you to specia莉斯e in an area and highlight your exposure to disciplines outside of your major.

学费 & 费用

In keeping with Temple’s commitment to access and affordability, the Bachelor of 艺术 offers a competitive level of tuition with multiple opportunities for financial support.

学费 rates are set annually by the university and are affected by multiple factors, 包括课程学位水平(本科或研究生), 课程负荷(全日制或非全日制), 居住在州内或州外, 和更多的. 你可以看到完整的 Cost of Attendance breakdown on the Student Financial Services website.


宾夕法尼亚州居民: $17,976.00 /年
州外: $32,376.00 /年